Good Hope Church's - Cloquet Podcast
[New episodes every Saturday at 7pm] Good Hope Church of Cloquet, MN, as a spirit-filled body of believers affiliated with the MN District of the Assemblies of God is committed to connecting with God in worship and prayer. We endeavor to bring people to a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Needs of families and the community are met through people rising up by the power of God to become who they were created to be.
Good Hope Church's - Cloquet Podcast
Head to Heart // 2019 Archives
Original Recording Date: June 30, 2019
In this thought-provoking message, Pastor Mike delves into the concept of moving head knowledge to the depths of our hearts. As believers, we often find ourselves equipped with a wealth of knowledge about our faith, but struggle to truly internalize and apply it in our lives. Pastor Mike explores the importance of bridging the gap between what we know in our minds and what we feel in our hearts.
Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content and stay connected with our community of believers. Share this video with your friends and loved ones who may benefit from this insightful message. Together, let's embark on a journey of faith that transcends mere knowledge and leads us to a profound, heartfelt encounter with God.
[ Video Version ] / [ Sermon Notes ]
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