Good Hope Church's - Cloquet Podcast

Worship is Life // Guest Speaker: Todd Marshall

Todd Marshall Season 70 Episode 3

Previously Recorded: May 21, 2023

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Todd Marshall, MN District Worship Arts Director

‘Worship is Life’ is a mission with a message from God for the Church.

Todd Marshall says, “Mother’s Day 2013 started a 72 hour period when I heard the voice of God three times like I had never heard before. The third time I heard him speak he said these words to me, ‘I have given you a message for my Church about worship and I am positioning you so this message will have a greater influence.’”

‘Worship is Life’ is a call to the Church to maximize her potential in growing God’s kingdom. While there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) this message uses the language of worship to challenge and encourage the Church to rise up and love God and love people like never before; worship equals relationship!

Two questions lie at the heart of the ‘Worship is Life’ message: what is the connection between a worship service and a life of worship and why does is it matter? Because…

Unless what happens when we gather
Translates into what happens when we scatter
Then what happens when we gather
Doesn’t matter!

Our mission statement is ‘Growing God’s Kingdom through Connecting Worship to Life’ and our vision statement is to ‘Take the Worship is Life message to the body of Christ on every continent’.

So we invite you to join the mission!